Tips and Tricks for Attending Music Festivals in a Camper

The UK festival season is upon us, and for many, the idea of combining their love of music with the comforts of a campervan is the ultimate dream. If you’re considering taking your campervan to a festival this summer, you’re in for a treat. Not only does it provide a cozy and convenient place to rest, but it also adds a unique element to your festival experience. Here are some of our tips and tricks to ensure you make the most out of festivals with your campervan.

1. Check Festival Policies

First and foremost, “Can I take a campervan to a festival?” The answer varies depending on the festival. While most major UK festivals accommodate campervans, it’s crucial to check the specific policies of the event you’re attending. Look for information on campervan passes, designated parking areas, and any restrictions that might apply. Festivals like Glastonbury, Download, and Isle of Wight have dedicated campervan fields, but spaces can be limited and often require an additional ticket, so book early!

2. Plan Your Arrival

Arriving early can significantly enhance your festival experience. Early entry often means better parking spots, closer proximity to the festival grounds, and more time to set up your campervan. Some festivals offer early bird access for campervans, allowing you to beat the rush and start your adventure on a relaxed note.

3. Pack Smart

When it comes to packing for camping festivals, less is more, but you also want to ensure you have all the essentials for a comfortable stay. Here are some must-haves for your campervan:

  • Sleeping Arrangements: Ensure your bedding is comfortable. An inflatable mattress, sleeping bags, and pillows are a good start.
  • Cooking Gear: A portable stove, utensils, and a fridge for food and drinks will save you money and ensure you can enjoy meals on the go.
  • Power Supply: Festivals might have limited charging points, so bring portable chargers and extra batteries.
  • Hygiene Essentials: Stock up on wet wipes, hand sanitisers, and eco-friendly toiletries.
  • Camping Chairs and Tables: For relaxing outside your campervan.
  • Festival Gear: Don’t forget your tickets, festival map, wellies, raincoat, sunscreen, and any other festival essentials.

4. Stay Organised

Space in a campervan can be limited, so organisation is key. Use storage boxes and organisers to keep your belongings tidy and easily accessible. This will help you avoid clutter and make your living space more comfortable.

5. Embrace the Community

One of the best parts of taking a campervan to a festival is the sense of community. Fellow festival-goers often gather in campervan areas, creating a friendly and vibrant atmosphere. Don’t hesitate to socialise with your neighbours – sharing tips, stories, and even meals can enhance your experience.

6. Be Environmentally Conscious

Festivals can generate a lot of waste, so it’s important to be mindful of your environmental impact. Use reusable dishes and cutlery, bring a refillable water bottle, and make sure to dispose of your rubbish responsibly. Many festivals have recycling stations – use them!

7. Prepare for All Weathers

UK weather is notoriously unpredictable, especially during festival season. Be prepared for anything from scorching sun to torrential rain. Pack waterproofs, sun hats, and plenty of layers to keep warm at night. A small fan can also be a lifesaver during unexpected heatwaves.

8. Know Your Limits

Festivals are a time to let loose and have fun, but it’s important to know your limits, especially when it comes to alcohol consumption. Remember, you’ll need to be fit to drive your campervan home after the festival. Pace yourself and stay hydrated to ensure you enjoy the entire festival safely.

9. Secure Your Campervan

While festivals are generally safe, it’s always better to be cautious. Lock your campervan when you’re not around and avoid leaving valuables in plain sight. Consider investing in a small safe or hidden compartment for important items like cash and tickets.

10. Enjoy the Experience

Finally, the most important tip is to enjoy every moment. Music festivals are about creating unforgettable memories, so soak up the atmosphere, dance to your favourite bands, and make the most of the unique experience that camping festivals offer.


To find out more about how Out and About Campers can help you and your dream of attending festivals, get in touch now!